Thursday, May 12, 2005

once more into the blog we go

I decided the time was right for me to try and have a blog again, not that it was particularly wrong before but I suppose it can be a bit like a new start kind of thing. Not that I desperately need a new start, that sounds horribly dramatic, but it's always good to start something which gives you impetus to a bit more like the person you want to be, I suppose. The previous blogs I've had have been really quite lame, full of teenage ramblings about boys and other such nonsense. Now I'm in my last couple of months of teenage-ness, and I am a completely different person. Thank f*** for that! Not that I'm entirely the confident, together, mature woman that I'd love to be, but maybe I'm getting there. I think I have slightly more interesting things to say now. I could, however, be sadly mistaken. We'll see.
A bit about me, I suppose is the obligatory thing to put in here. I love writing these bits about me, it makes me feel far more interesting than I actually am, and allows me to indulge in everybody's favourite illicit pleasure, rambling on about themselves...which is all a blog is really. Anyway, I am Beth, I am 19 years old, I live in a little basement flat in Leeds, Yorkshire with the most beautiful and amusing and odd man in the world, 5 Giant African Land Snails and an insanely cute hamster called Nibble. I study Italian and International Relations at Leeds University. I'm not that great at Italian really, but I am determined that one day I'll be fluent, and this will automatically make me elegant and well turned out like Italian women invariably seem to be. I am obsessed with traveling, it eats all my money up, but maybe it's making me a better person. I knit, sew, cook and craft like some kind of fifties housewife, but I'll be damned if I'm doing the washing-up. I take old-ladies shopping on a Friday afternoon, get wasted on a Friday night. I hate most of the trashy clubs in Leeds, but I like going out and drinking a lot of whisky and losing it slightly to metal, even though I actually really bloody love folk music. I think there's nothing wrong with liking both. I do a lot of volunteer work and campaigning in a general save the world type way, though I can feel myself becoming cynical already, which is slightly devastating. I have an almost unhealthy interest in politics, particularly international politics. I stayed up all night to watch the general election, although to my credit I did drink a bit and make hummus and chocolate brownies with friends. I am a shit vegetarian. I have always had a lot of principles, some I have shed as I grew up, some have become stronger. I love decent beer and I'm on the committee of the Leeds Uni Real Ale Society. Speaking of which, I get on better with geeky blokes than with most girls, but I'm still a feminist. I like to be outside. I am a country girl through and through, though I'm finding out how fun living in a city can be. I am a northerner, and an undeniable Yorkshire lass. I love tea and chips (not together). I have no intention of living in Britain for most of my life. My only real ambition is to do a manner of speaking. That's the reason behind the poncy name of this blog, which means 'a lifetime is not enough'. Well, it's not, is it?
I suppose I should quit rambling now, and do my essay on globalisation and inequality that has to be in for Monday morning, or alternatively go and walk around Hyde Park in the sunshine. Yeees...I think I know what's more tempting...


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